White Rabbit Press Kanji Flash Cards

Saturday, January 3, 2009

This year...

こそ is a curious word I can't get used to using as it doesn't really have any meaning as such, it merely emphasizes the word that precedes it. Here's a couple of examples from Jim Breen:

That's just the thing I had in mind!

He is a real gentleman.

And this rather timely one from my dictionary:

This year I'm really going to make an effort.

Speaking of which I've decided that as I'm going to be taking the 1級 proficiency test this year, I really need to break open my textbooks and start studying in earnest. 一年の計は元旦にあり! OK so I'm a couple of days late but my New Year's resolution nonetheless is to study for at least one hour everyday and post a summary of what I've studied each day at the bottom of my posts here. Here's hoping I stick to my resolve!

Today I cracked open my grammar book どんな時どう使う日本語表現文型500 (500 Essential Japanese Expressions) and studied the seven expressions in Chapter 1 動作の対象 (Objects of Action). Expressions 1-6 are 2級 and 7 is 1級. I figure four years having passed since I sat 2級 I need to review them too. Here are the expressions with example sentences from the book plus my translations:

1. ~について = about, concerning, regarding

I don't know anything about that guy.

2. ~に関して・~に関する = about, concerning, regarding but more formal than について

I was really interested in the latest questionaire about "Use of Free Time".

3. ~に対して・~に対する = toward, against, concerning

Towards the students who hated to study, the teacher Kobayashi had an especially friendly approach.

That defiant attitude young people hold against their parents; I wonder when it is born and when it fades away.

4. ~にこたえて・~にこたえる = respond, accord with

I want the Cabinet to hammer out an effective set of measures to meet the people's hopes.

5. ~をめぐて・~をめぐる = continue, over, around

The dispute between the brothers over their inheritance goes on.

6. ~むけに・~むけの・~むけだ = for, directed at, aimed at

This explanatory booklet though aimed at foreigners, if read by Japanese too, is very interesting and instructive.

7. ~にかかわる = be concerned, be involved, be affected (only used for very serious matters)

Education indeed having such an affect on our country's future is very important, don't you think?


Anonymous said...

Very useful analysis. I've been meaning to study some of these more closely, as well, and I haven't quite gotten around to it. Thanks for differentiating expressions that seem frustratingly similar. And good luck with sticking to your resolution!

再起動 said...

Thanks Eve!