White Rabbit Press Kanji Flash Cards

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Today's Grammar

どんな時どう使う日本語表現文型500 (500 Essential Japanese Expressions)
Chapter 2 Part 1
目的 (Purpose). Expressions 1-2 are 2級 and 3-4 are1級. Example sentences are from the text but the translations are my own:

1.  ~ように = means in order to but doesn't express verbs of volition, but rather those of movement or of possibility.

In order to see the words on the blackboard better, let's sit in the front seats.

2. ~上で = means in order to and is used to express what is important or necessary or useful to achieve something.

Television is really useful for the study of a foreign language.

3. ~べく = again means in order to but this time expresses something done in the past in order to achieve a purpose.

In order to make a fresh start with new feeling she moved to a rural town in Nagano prefecture.

4. ~んがため(に)・~んがための = A formal expression used to express some effort one makes to achieve some special purpose. Note that it is formed with the negative form of the verb but that する becomes せんがため.

In order to complete his research he worked day and night without sleep.

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