White Rabbit Press Kanji Flash Cards

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Somebody told me a rather weak joke today and when I didn't laugh said by way of explanation 「しゃれ」。

洒落 means joke or gag.

The first kanji looks a lot like 酒 the kanji for 「さけ」 or alcohol. But it lacks that little line at the bottom. Here it is with both readings and meanings.

洒 - SAI / SE / SEI / SHA / SA soso・gu ara・u - wash; sprinkle

It means to softly and gently (さらさらと) sprinkle and wash with water.... and then comes the fall (落).

落 - RAKU o・chiru o・chi o・tosu - fall

The onyomi RAKU can be used to express a conclusion (落着 - rakuchaku) or humour (落語 - rakugo 落書き - rakugaki). 落ち (ochi) is the point or punchline of a joke.

Here are some more related words:

お洒落 - OSHARE - dressed up / dressed fashionably

洒洒落落 - SHASHARAKURAKU - free and easy; frank, openhearted; sophisticated

洒脱 - SHADATSU - free and easy; smooth-mannered, urbane

Unfortunately, my friend's joke was 古臭いしゃれ (furukusai share) a really corny old joke:

"I am sorry... かみそり。ふくだそうり・・・".

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