White Rabbit Press Kanji Flash Cards

Friday, September 12, 2008

Over the last couple of days I have looked at the first two kanji in the word 孤児院 (kojiin) or orphanage. Today we will focus on .

 - IN - institution

Let's look at the elements that make the kanji. On the left we have a radical that means hill (it looks a lot like a flag fluttering on a hilltop), and on the right (kan) meaning completion. To remember it let's imagine the institution was completed on the hilltop.

Here are some common compunds containing

病院 - byouin - hospital
医院 - iin - clinic
入院する - nyuuin suru - enter hospital
退院 - taiin - leave hospital
大学院 - daigakuin - graduate school
美容院 - biyouin - beauty parlor, hairdresser's
参議院 - sangiin - Upper House of Councilors
衆議院 - shuugiin - Lower House of Representatives
修道院 - shuudouin - monastery, convent

Incidentally, if you are at all interested in donating to the 孤児院 Intyatyambo please visit their website at the highlighted link. They would be very grateful.

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