White Rabbit Press Kanji Flash Cards

Friday, July 24, 2009

Harsh life or happiness?

Here are two kanji that are easily confused:

  SHIN kara(i) tsura(i) = harsh
This can mean a (relatively) harsh taste (spicy = karai, salty = shiokarai), or a harsh experience ( tsurai = hard or painful, 心労 or shinrou = toil, 世知辛い or sechikarai is used to describe a hard life or a cruel world).

幸 KOU saiwa(i) sachi shiawa(se) = happiness, luck
This can mean happiness ( 幸福 or koufuku, 幸せ or shiawase) or it can mean good fortune and blessings (幸運 or kouun, 幸い or saiwai). And often both ( or sachi means happiness and good fortune).

There's only one stroke that makes these two kanji distinct. So here's your mnemonic:

The harshest of (辛い) experiences can be transformed into happiness (幸福) by a single stroke of good fortune (幸運 ).

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